
[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Lavender is a calming herb, best used to treat pain, inflammation, distress, agitation, and acute symptoms of daily life.

Botanical name: Lavandula augustifolia

Folk names: Elf Leaf, Nard, Nardus, Spike

Family: Labriatae or Lamiaceae (mint) 

Origin: Main producers of lavender now are Bulgaria and France.

Botany: Common species are
•L. angustifolia -true lavender
• L. latifolia - spike lavender
Lavandin is a hybrid species of true lavender and spike lavender. The species is larger than true lavender and ideal for large-scale cultivation and harvesting and yields twice the amount of oil as true lavender. the three main clones of lavandin in France: Abrial, Super, and Grosso.

Lavender flourishes in temperate climates, meeting lots of moisture and full sunlight to thrive.

Lavender oil is cooling, may be used to clear heat.

Essential oils
Stream distilled from the flower tops and stalks of L. augustifolia

Here’s where I source my lavender

The 'Mother' of essential oils, because it is the most popular and versatile oil, and like a mother, accomplishes many jobs at the same time. recommended for anxiety, tension
Soothe heartache, improve sleep, anxiety and depression.
Use during meditation to aid in entering deeper states of consciousness. Lavender helps being the higher and lower chakra centers into alignment and harmony.

Therapeutic Actions
Analgesic: relieves pain

Anti-bacterial: destroys or inhibits the growth of bacteria

Anti-convulsive: arrests and controls convulsions

Anti-depressant: elevates mood

Anti-fungal: destroys or inhibits the growth of fungus

Anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation

Anti-rheumatic: alleviates rheumatism

Anti-septic: destroys and controls bacteria

Anti-spasmodic: prevents and eases spasms, relieves cramps

Anti-viral: treats and prevents the spread of viral infections

Anti-microbial: resists and destroys pathogens

Carminative: settles the digestive system and expulsion of gas

Cholagogue: increases the production and flow of stomach bile

Cicatrisant: promotes the formation of scar tissue

Cordial: invigorating and stimulating

Cytophylactic: encourages growth of skin cells

Decongestant: relieves or reduces congestion

Deodorant: destroys or inhibits odors

Diuretic: increases the secretion and expulsion of urine

Emmenagogue: stimulates the menstrual cycle

Hypotensive: lowers blood pressure

Nervine: calms, strengthens and toners the nerves

Sedative: promotes calm and induces sleep

Sudorific: induces sweating

Vulnerary: heals wounds


May be used to clear heat, resolve fever, cool an overheated liver, support and stabilize the heart, calm the spirit and relieve irritability.

Has antiseptic, antiphlogistic and cicatrisant proppropeties of lavender make it beneficial in skin preparations. All skin types. Used as an insect repellent and used to treat bug bites. Beneficial for acne, psoriasis , eczema, boils and wounds.
Heals the skin after a burn. Antiseptic, analgesic, and cytophylactic properties that help ease the pain after a burn, prevent infection and promote healing. Useful for the treatment of sunburn and heat stroke especially when combined with peppermint oil.

Musculoskeletal System
Useful for muscular aches and pains. Used for the relief of rheumatism, sciatica and arthritis.

Nervous System
Lavender is amazing for handling stress. Gives relief to symptoms of stress such as spasms, cramps, pains, nervous tension, irritability and mental distraction. Lavender is said to inhibit sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system functions, useful for those with nervous system disorders. Soothing unnecessary stress

Reproductive System

Useful is soothing premenstrual tension and menstrual pain. Apply to the lower abdomen with a gentle massage for relief. popular during childbirth to reduce maternal anxiety, pain relief, and create a joyous atmosphere to welcome a child.

Respiratory System
Recommended for the treatment of colds and flu, bronchitis, throat infections and catarrhal conditions. Especially beneficial for asthma from nervous condition. It relaxes and makes breathing easier.

Psychological and Metaphysical Uses

Gender/Essence: Masculine/Yang

Planet: Mercury
Element: Air

It is said that lavender was worn around the neck of prostitutes centuries ago to both advertise their profession and attract customers.

Love, Protection, Sleep, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace

Used in love spells. Be as creative as you like, there are no rules using the power of intention. Soothes and supports the Qi of the heart. Recommended for treatment of nervous tension, insomnia, palpitations and high blood pressure. Recommended in communication blockages. To soothe fear and encourage the release of deep tension. Those who feel inauthentic to their true self but are unsure of how to come into their original power and essence. Encourages emotional honesty.

Emotions addressed: Blocked communication, fear of rejection, feeling unseen or unheard, constricted, tension, emotional dishonesty, hiding, fear of self-disclosure.

Used is recommended in communication blockages. To soothe fear and encourage the release of deep tension. Those who feel inauthentic to their true self but are unsure of how to come into their original power and essence. Encourages emotional honesty.

Wish Divination: Manifest a desire by placing lavender under your pillow, or apply a lavender oil to the head and neck before bed, think about what you would like to experience in your life. For example: a softened heart to better understand pain; the perspective to give up a bad habit; compassion for someone who hurt you; a new friend to bring love and joy into your life. It is said that the dream you have that night will hold a guided message about the manifestation and deliver peace that the work is in motion.

Chemical Compounds: (constitution of an average Lavender oil)
Linalyl acetate (46.71--53.8%)
Linalool- (29.35--41.62%)
Caryophyllene (2.64--5.05%)
Terpinen-4-ol (0.03--4.16%)
Lavendulyl acetate (0.27--4.24%)
A-pinene (0.02--0.67%)
Limonene (0.02--0.68%)
1,8-cineole (0.01--0.21%)
Cis-ocimene (1.35--2.87%)
Trans-ocimene (0.8
[More on how these work coming soon!]

Lavender is non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitising. Lavender Kashmir is recommended for child care because it is especially gentle while effective.

For Pets: Typically safe around dogs, should not be used around cats. (it’s okay to use oil applied to the face and body and use caution not to get it in your pets fur. But never diffuse essential oils into the air around cats because their respiratory system is too sensitive, and if they can’t get away and into ‘fresh air’, they will suffer. Please be aware that each species reacts differently to chemical compounds.)

• Topical- Massage, compress, bath, douche, ointment, skincare.
• Inhalation- Direct, diffuser, oil vaporizer, steam inhalation.
• Oral ingestion. Some essential oils are safe to take internally, lavender being one of them. it is beneficial to ingest in very small doses. Lavender is gentle enough to be taken orally, but caution must always be taken because it is a concentration of potent compounds. Can be mixed with honey (not water soluble) and taken during times of stress or illness.

How do you use lavender for a healthy life? Leave a comment below!


Emilee Wright

A Mercurial Consciousness