Bay Laurel

[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]


Botanical name: Laurus nobilis  

Folk names: Bay, Laurel, Sweet Bay 


Family Lauraceae  



Bay is believed to have originated in Asia, but is now considered native to the Mediterranean region.  



Laurus nobilis is an evergreen tree, which can grow up to 20 meters high. However, they are usually pruned back to 3 m. The bark on young trees is smooth and shiny with a reddish tint, and mature trees develop a grey bark. Commonly planted as a hedge or used for culinary purposes.  


Historical use 

Bay was sacred to the god Apollo in ancient Greece. According to the legend, when Daphne, the daughter of the earth goddess Gaia, was pursued by Apollo, slayer of her bridegroom, she asked the gods for assistance, who changed her into a laurel tree. Apollo then crowned himself with laurel leaves, and declared the tree sacred to his divinity.  

A garland of woven laurel leaves was awarded as a symbol of honor or victory in Rome.  

Bay laurel was said to confer the gift of prophecy, a wuthering laurel tree in the garden predicted disaster.  

In medicine, bay laurel berries were supposed to suppress menstruation and hasten childbirth. Infusions of the bark and leaves were frequently prescribed to alleviate kidney disorders and respiratory problems.  



Stimulates and circulates Qi 

Pungent, Bitter  


Essential oils  

Created by steam distillation of the leaves, the oil is a pale yellow, or very pale olive green with a strong, fresh odor.  



Bay laurel essential oil is known for its indulging fragrance. The aromatherapy brings confidence, well-being, and inspires intuitive energy. Perfect for those who lack energy and doubt their own abilities, and are apathetic.  


See Psychological and Metaphysical Uses.  


Therapeutic actions 

Antiseptic:  inhibits microbial growth  

Anti-fungal:  inhibits fungal growth  

Anti-bacterial:  inhibits bacterial growth  

Carminative:  relieves flatulence  

Expectorant:  expels mucus from the airways  

Diaphoretic:  induces sweating  

Digestive:  aids in digestion  

Tonic:  revives the body, brings about vigor and well-being  




Digestive system  

Appetite stimulant 

Aids digestion 

Expels gas and eases bloating  

Settles stomach pain from digestion and gas  

Has a tonic effect on the liver and kidneys 

Benefits digestive health and encourages healthy microbiome levels  


Nervous system 

Cerebral stimulator  

Nerve tonic  

Treats headaches and migraines  


Lymphatic system 

Stimulates and drains the lymph nodes 

A tonic for the lymphatic system 


Respiratory system 

Good antiseptic for the respiratory system. 

Expels mucus from the airways, relieving sinus pressure  

Recommended for the treatment of chronic bronchitis.  

Slows heart rate  

Lowers blood pressure  

The essential oil is useful in inhaling directly or adding to a diffuser when someone is ill. This aids in their ability to heal and is antiseptic for the air to stop the spread of pathogens. 


Skin care 

Recommended for conditions like ulcers, boils, acne and abscesses.  


here’s where i source my bay laurel




Psychological and Metaphysical Uses. 

Bay is beneficial for individuals who lack energy and confidence. For those who lack self-esteem, and doubt their abilities and intellect.  

The oil is great for artists and healers, those who rely on intuition and inspiration for their work. Bay laurel promotes confidence, insight and courage.  

Bay protects our sensitive, vulnerable energy and allows us to go through life with an air of protection and wellbeing.  


Gender essence: Masculine/Yang  

Planter: Sun 

Element: Fire  

Deity: Apollo  

Powers: Protection, good luck, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength 

Ritual Uses: Chew bay leaves, burn, or inhale the essential oil to induce a prophetic state. Used in clairvoyance and wisdom elixirs. Bay leaves mixed with sandalwood can be used to remove hexes and curse spells, as well as remove fearful energy and energetic beings that may have attached to you.


Generally regarded as safe.  

Frequent use on the skin over a period of a few weeks can cause sensitivity and irritation.  

Stop taking bay at least 2 weeks before surgery because it may affect how anestesia works, because bay calms the central nervous system  

It is not recommended to eat a whole bay leaf, because they are not digested by our stomach acid and pass through the intestines intact. This may cause damage to the intestines.  


Drug interactions  

Narcotics- bay leaf may decrease how quickly the body is able to break down these pain medications, resulting in them being in the body for longer. Increasing the effects and side effects.  

Sedatives, bay may increase drowsiness while taking a sleep aid.  



Culinary, add a fresh or dried leaf into savory dishes including rice, curry and stews   

Topical, add the essential oil to a carrier oil and apply where needed  

Inhalation, aromatherapy with bay. 

Tea, brew into a tea  

Extract, tincture  

How do you use bay laurel for a holistic lifestyle? Let me know!


Emilee Wright

A Mercurial Consciousness