
[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Botanical name: Ocimum basilcum  

Sweet basil and Common basil  


The root word of basil comes from the Greek word basileus which means "King", referring to basil being the "king of all herbs".  


Other types of basil: Tulsi/ Holy basil  


Family Labiatae or Lamiaceae  



Basil is native to the tropical regions of Asia and Africa. There are many variations of basil grown all over the world, each with a unique chemical composition that dependent of their environmental factors like nutrients in the soil, temperature, amount of water, and geographic location.  




Basil is an annual herb, which grows to 0.5m in height.   


Historical use  

Basil has been used extensively in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine.  


Energetics warming 


Essential oils 

Steam distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of O. basilicum.  



The scent is awakening, clarifying and stimulating. Lifts the spirit. Recommended for those who are physically or mentally exhausted, suffer from nervous depression and have become complacent and melancholic. 


See psychological and metaphysical uses below  

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King of all herbs

Therapeutic actions 

Analgesic: pain reliever  

Anti-depressive: elevates mood  

Anti-septic: inhibits microbial growth 

Anti-fungal: inhibits fungal growth 

Anti-viral: destroys micro-organisms which cause viral infections.  

Anti-spasmodic: relieves involuntary spasm of muscle  

Carminative: relieves flatulence   

Diaphoretic: promotes perspiration

Digestive: aids in digestion  

Emmenagogue: stimulates the menstrual cycle  

Expectorant: expels mucus from the nasal passages  

Febrifuge: reduces fever  

Nervine Tonic: calms the nerve 





Digestive system 

Useful in digestive disorders such as vomiting, gastric spasms, nausea, hiccups, constipation, flatulence, indigestion, loss of appetite.  

Basil also helps to remedy bad breath, by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Chew on a basil leaf or add basil into culinary dishes regularly.  


Nervous system 

Basil is reputed to clear the head, relieve intellectual fatigue, and give strength and clarity to the mind.  

Can be used in nervous disorders, including those that involve weakness, indecision, and hysteria.  

Basil is recommended for those in need of protection, those who feel vulnerable from an illness or  experience nervous exhaustion. 

Remarkably relaxing, due to its high methyl ester content.  

Helpful for headaches.  

Recommended for those who worry at night due to it's carminative and sedative properties.  


Circulatory system  

Basil is beneficial for lowering high blood pressure. For this, add basil into culinary dishes often.  


Immune system 

Sudorific and febrifuge properties make basil effective at relieving all types of fever. In Ayurvedic medicine, basil is combined with black pepper for fever.  


Respiratory system 

Antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties found in basil are beneficial for relief of sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, influenza, whooping cough, and emphysema.  

Expectorant properties stimulate the micro-hairs lining the airways, expelling mucus. Beneficial for any ailment with nasal and chest congestion.   


Reproductive system 

Emmenagogues are recommended for those delayed menstruation, scanty periods and abdominal cramps. Emmenagogues contain phytoestrogens that balance out the hormones of the female reproductive system.  



Used in low dilutions to improve the tone and appearance of the skin.  


Acne, blemishes, and sores 

Insect repellent  


here’s where i source my basil


Psychological and metaphysical uses 

For those who are in need of rejuvenation. When we are fatigued and weary of mind, basil offers strength and renewal.  

Gender essence: masculine/ Yang  

Planet: Mars 

Element: Fire 

Powers: Love, exorcism, wealth, protection  

Use to facilitate forgiveness, useful for mending a fight between lovers. Use in a perfume to attract love. Used in love divinations, wealth rituals. "Where it [basil] is, no evil can live."  



Basil oil with a high content of methyl cinnamate and methyl chavicol should be used carefully because it can have an irritating effect on those with sensitive skin. Dilute in a carrier oil before applying to the skin. Apply sunscreen after.  

Safe for children, and pregnant or nursing women when used in culinary, teas, and very low amounts of diluted basil essential oil.  


Drug interactions  

There are no known drug interactions with basil.  



Culinary, basil is a common ingredient in dishes, it adds flavor and considering all the health benefits, it's worth adding a few basil leaves to your daily cooking. Basil leaves can also be brewed into a tea.   

Topical, apply the essential oil (combined with a carrier oil) or make an oil infusion with the dried leaves. Apply this anywhere on the body.  

Inhalation, use in aromatherapy.   


Emilee Wright

A Mercurial Consciousness