Dong Quai (Female Ginseng)

[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Botanical name: Angelica sinensis  

Family Apiaceae  


Therapeutic actions  

Adaptogenic: aid in the body's ability to adapt to stress in all forms.    

Alterative: restoring proper functioning to the body's metabolism 

Anaphrodisiac: blunt sexual desire and decrease libido  

Analgesic: relieves or diminishes pain 

Anti-spasmodic: prevents and eases spasms and relieves cramps. 

Anti-inflammatory: alleviate inflammation throughout the body 

Diaphoretic: promotes perspiration 

Demulcent: soothes and softens irritations of mucous membranes 

Depurative: helps to purify the body, particularly the blood 

Emmenagogue: stimulates, regulates, and normalizes menstruation 


Laxative: aids bowel evacuation –Mild 

Nervine: strengthens or tones the nerves and nervous system –Relaxant