
[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Botanical name: Anethum graveolens  


Family: Umbelliferae, the parsley family  

Therapeutic properties: 

Abortifacient: capable of inducing a miscarriage  


Anthelmintic: destroy or expel parasitic worms 

Anti-arthritic: combats arthritis by decreasing inflammation and swelling 

Anti-spasmodic: prevents and eases spasms and relieves cramps  

Anti-bacterial: destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria  

Carminative: settles the digestive system and the expulsion of gas from the intestines 

Diuretic: increases the secretion and expulsion of urine –Mild  

Expectorant: expels mucus in the respiratory system.  

Galactagogue: promote the production and flow of breast milk   

Stimulant: stimulates the physiological functions of the body  

Stomachic: digestive aid and tones the stomach