
[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Botanical name: Passiflora incarnata 


Family Passifloraceae  

Therapeutic actions 

Anti-depressive: uplifting to mood 

Anti-spasmodic: prevents and eases spasms and relieves cramps. 

Analgesic: relieves or diminishes pain 


Bitter: increases the secretion of digestive juices  

Diuretic: increases the secretion and expulsion of urine 

Hypnotic: produces sleep  

Hypotensive: lowers blood pressure  

Relaxing nervine: strengthens or tones the nerves and nervous system   

Vasodilator: increase the internal diameter of blood vessels  

Sedative: reduces nervousness, distress, or agitation  

here’s where i source my passionflower