
[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Botanical name: Echinacea spp 

Family Asteraceae  

Therapeutic actions  

Adaptogenic: aid in the body's ability to adapt to stress in all forms.   

Alterative: restoring proper functioning to the body's metabolism 

Anti-allergenic: reduces symptoms of allergies 

Anti-bacterial: destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria 


Anti-catarrhal: reduces the production of mucus made by the body. 

Anti-inflammatory: alleviate inflammation throughout the body  

Anti-microbial: destroys and inhibits the growth of microorganisms 

Anti-viral: destroy and inhibit the spread of viruses 

Bitter: increases the secretion of digestive juices 

Diaphoretic: promotes perspiration 



Tonic: strengthens and improves bodily performance 

Vasodilator: increase the internal diameter of blood vessels. 

Vulnerary: prevents tissue degeneration and promotes healing of wounds