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Botanical name: Ricinus communis

Castor oil is extracted from the castor bean and has a comedogenic rating of 1. Castor oil does the heavy cleansing work in the precleaning blend, dissolving sebum and loosening grime that is stuck in the pores. Castor oil can be drying to the skin when applied alone, so always mix with other oils at a ratio of no more than 50% of the oil blend. Castor oil heals acne scars by encouraging cell turnover. Castor oil has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties, effectively killing acne-causing microbiomes on the skin.  


Therapeutic Properties 

Analgesic: relieves or diminishes pain

Anti-fungal: destroys fungal infections

Anti-bacterial: destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria

Emollient: used externally to soothe and soften the skin


Here’s where i source my castor oil



Emilee Wright

A Mercurial Consciousness