
[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]


Botanical name: Thuja occidentalis  

Other names include Arborvitae, and White Cedar  


Family Cupressaceae, cypress family   



Thuja is an evergreen tree, grown in North America and Asia.   

Parts used: leaf and bark  

Arborvitae is Latin for "tree of life".   

Therapeutic actions 

Antiseptic: destroys or controls pathogenic bacteria. Used topically. 

Anti-bacterial: destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria

Emmenagogue: stimulates, regulates, and normalizes menstruation   

Immune stimulant  


Thujone-free products are considered likely safe to consume.  


Thuja may cause seizures in those who are prone to them.  


Do not take thuja internally if you are pregnant or nursing.