
[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Botanical name: Myristica fragrans 


Family: Myristicaceae  



Nutmeg is the dried kernel of the seeds grown on the evergreen tree M. fragrans. The coating over the nutmeg seed is ground into mace, another spice. All parts of the tree are aromatic.  

M. fragrans is Native to the Indonesian Molucca Islands. Nutmeg is commercially cultivated in Indonesia, Grenada, and Sri Lanka.  

Energetics and Taste 

warming, drying, pungent  


Essential oils 

Nutmeg essential oil is produced by steam distillation of the dried kernel. The oil is a pale yellow color with a warm, and spicy aroma. The essential oil can safely be applied externally when combined with a carrier oil.  

Therapeutic Actions 

Aromatic: contains volatile (essential) oil 

Anti-spasmodic: prevents and eases spasms and cramps of the muscle 

Anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation  

Anti-bacterial: destroys or inhibits the growth of bacteria  

Aphrodisiac: increases sexual desire 

Carminative: settles the digestive system and expels gas from the intestines   

Anti-microbial: resists or destroys pathogens  

Anti-emetic: eases and prevents vomiting 

Hypotensive: lowers blood pressure  

Analgesic: relieves pain  

Anti-septic: (of the exterior of the skin) destroys or controls pathogenic bacteria  

Digestive: aids the digestion of food  

Emmenagogue: induces the flow of menstruation  

Stimulant: stimulates the physiological functions of the body  

Tonic: strengthens and improves bodily performance  

Sedative: reduces tension, induces sleep  

Relaxant: brings relaxation of the mind and body  





Digestive System  

Digestive stimulant  

Relieves indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and flatulence.  

Anti-spasmodic properties are beneficial IBS 

Drink nutmeg tea or massage oil into the stomach area.  


Cardiovascular system  

Lowers cholesterol 

Lowers blood pressure  

Prevents blood clotting  


Musculoskeletal System  

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make nutmeg oil a beneficial treatment for arthritis, and nerve, muscle and joint pain.  

Anti-spasmodic properties relieve muscle cramping and lower back pain caused by tension.  


Nervous System 

Tonic properties improve all physiological functions, resulting in relief from general fatigue. 

Stimulant properties clear mental fog.  

Relaxant properties relieve insomnia and induce sleep 


Reproductive System 

Anti-spasmodic properties ease menstrual cramps.  

Aphrodisiac and tonic properties increase desire and libido 



Anti-septic properties can treat skin conditions caused by bacteria when applied topically.   


Oral care 

Numb a toothache 

Freshens breath  


Here’s where i source my nutmeg

Metaphysical and Magical Uses:  

Fertility and Love  



Nutmeg is non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing  

Is unsafe to take doses over 120 mg for long periods of time.  

Pregnant or nursing women, should not use nutmeg in amounts higher than those found in food. 

Safe to be used around pets?  



 An Herbalist's Twist: Heart-Warming Hot Chocolate  




Emilee Wright 

A Mercurial Consciousness