
[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]


Botanical name: Larrea tridentata  

Other names: goosewood, greasewood, creosote bush, dwarf evergreen oak, gobernadora.   


Family Zygophyllaceae 



Chaparral is an evergreen, flowering shrub that grows in the desert regions of North America.  

Parts used: Leaves, flowers, fruit.  

Therapeutic actions 

Alterative: gradually restoring proper functioning to the body's metabolism 

Anti-bacterial: destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria 

Anti-fungal: destroys fungal infections 

Anthelmintic: destroy or expel parasitic worms


Emetic: induces vomiting 


Chaparral may be unsafe to take by mouth due to the risk  have risk of liver and kidneys damage.