Black Pepper

[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Botanical name: Piper nigrum  

Chinese name: Hei Hu Jiao  

Hindu name: Kali Mirch  


Family Piperaceae  



Piper nigrum is a perennial, flowering vine native to southern India and Indonesia.   

Black, green, and white peppercorn come from the same species, but are prepared differently.  

Black peppercorn-cooked and dried unripe fruit 

Green peppercorn-dried unripe fruit 

White peppercorn- ripe fruit  



Commonly used in culinary dishes; can be added to tea; applied topically by an essential oil or tincture; aromatherapy.  


Black pepper is best used synergistically in combination with other herbs to increase the desired effect rather than used alone.  



Stomach, large intestines, lungs, brain, and skin.   


Energetics and Taste   

Hot, stimulating and pungent.   


Essential oils 

Made by steam distillation of the dried and crushed fruit.  



Black pepper aromatherapy helps reduce tobacco cravings when quitting smoking. 


Psychological and metaphysical uses 

 Emotions addressed: 

  • Emotional dishonesty.   

  • Repressed emotions.  

  • Feeling trapped in cyclic thoughts, experiences, perspectives.  

  • Being prideful, superficial, or overly judgmental.  


Black pepper is used to 

  • Uncover the authentic Self.  

  • Uncover root motives.  

  • Enliven the passion of the soul.   

  • Increase motivation, inspiration, and energy.  

  • Hasten the healing process.  


Companion oils: vetiver, frankincense, cinnamonlavender  


Chemical Compounds 

Black pepper contains a chemical called piperine, which has potent antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties.  


Therapeutic actions 

Analgesic: relieves or diminishes pain.  

Anti-septic: destroys microorganisms on the surface of the skin.  

Anti-bacterial: destroys or inhibits the growth or bacteria.  

Anti-depressive: uplifting and elevating of heart  

Anti-diabetic: controls glucose levels on in the blood by increasing insulin production in the pancreas 

Anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation  

Anti-microbial: destroys or inhibits the growth of micro-organisms 

Anti-mutagenic: prevents the mutation of DNA during cell division 

Anti-oxidant: neutralizes free radicals that contribute damage cells  

Anti-tumor: prevent or inhibit the formation of tumors   

Anti-spasmodic: eases muscle spasms and cramps  

Aromatic: contains essential oils  

Carminative: settles the digestive system and aids the expulsion of gas from the intestines  

Cordial: invigorating or stimulating, especially of the cardiovascular system  

Diaphoretic: promotes perspiration  

Diuretic: increases the production and elimination of urine  

Expectorant: expels mucus from the airways  

Laxative: aids bowel movements  

Relaxant: induces relaxation of the body and mind  

Rubefacient: warming and increases blood flow  

Tonic: strengthens and improves bodily performance  







Immune system 

Beneficial for a easing syptoms of respifever, cough, cold Fevers  

Antioxidant properties protect against cancer and tumor growth. Combine turmeric and black pepper to use against cancer cells.  


Circulatory system 

Moves slow or stagnant circulation. 


Digestive system 

Improves nutrient absorption in the intestines. 

Digestive and carminative properties aid flatulence, heartburn, indigestion, stomachache, nausea, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. 


Gentle laxative properties aid in regular bowel movements.  


Antioxidant effects protect the liver.  


Nervous system 

Analgesic properties reduce nerve pain.  


Black pepper will counteract the anxiety producing effects of cannabis.  


Anti-depressant properties can be increases by combining use with turmeric.  


Respiratory system 

Expectorant properties expels mucus from the airways. Beneficial for sinus and respiratory infections. 

Use by steam inhalation or use in tea to relieve congestion.  


Endocrine system 

Diuretic properties increase urination.  


Reproductive system 

Anti-spasmodic and analgesic properties give relief to painful menstrual cramps. 


Lymphatic system/detoxification 

Diaphoretic properties induce sweating.  


Musculoskeletal system  

Black pepper is often used in pain recipes along with spearmint to create that hot/cold effect to relieve muscle and joint pain.  

Recommended for arthritic pain.  


Skin Care  

Used topically for itchy skin, insect bites, and bacterial or fungal infections.  

Treats vitiligo, which is a skin disease which causes the skin to lose pigmentation. 


Antioxidant properties protects against skin cancer.  


Oral care 

Sore throat/Hoarseness.  

Sore, infected or receding gums. 


  here’s where i source my black pepper



Non-irritating, non-sensitizing  

Safe when used in small amounts in culinary.  

Safe during pregnancy, safe for children.  


Note: Never ingest essential oils unless directed by a medical professional. 



Drug interactions  


Black pepper may slow the speed of blood clotting, use caution when consuming amounts higher than commonly used in food. This may pose a risk for surgery and those with blood disorders.  

Black pepper may affect blood sugar levels, diabetic patients should carefully monitor their blood sugar levels when consuming therapeutic dosages of black pepper.


Emilee Wright

A Mercurial Consciousness