Vitex (Chaste Tree)

[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Vitex: The Female Remedy  


Botanical name: Vitex agnus-cactus  

Vitex, Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, monk's pepper  


Family Verbenaceae, the vervain family  




Vitex angus-cactus is a shrub native to the Mediterranean and central Asia. Vitex grows up to 5-6 meters tall and has long, star-shaped leaves and blue-violet flowers that bloom in late summer and grow into dark purple berries.  

Morocco and Albania are the top producers of vitex in the world.  


Parts used fruit and seed are used for medicine. It is recommended to take vitex, in whatever form you choose, in the morning on an empty stomach.   


Historical use 

Vitex was used in monasteries in lieu of ground pepper to suppress the monk's sexual desire.   


Organs and Meridians 

Supports and regulates the pituitary gland  

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Therapeutic actions  


Anaphrodisiac: reduces sexual desire  

Analgesic: diminishes pain

Anti-androgenic: suppresses the production of testosterone and blocks its ability on androgen receptors.  

Galactogogue:  increases milk production  

Emmenagogue: stimulates, regulates, and normalizes menstruation.




Reproductive System 

For women: 

PMS and Premenstrual dysphoric disorder  

Menorrhagia (heavy menstruation with severe cramping)  

Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)  

Dysmenorrhea (painful periods and cramps) 

Decreases breast pain caused my menstruation 


Female infertility, vitex induces ovulation.   

Normalizes ovulation and menstrual cycle after quitting oral contraceptives. 

Used to treat cysts and fibroids of the breasts, ovaries, and uterus. 


Has been used to aid in the birthing process, under the guidance of a trained physician or midwife.  

Galactagogue properties increases the production of milk after childbirth.  



For men: 

Used to decrease sexual desire.  

Prevents and treats prostate cancer and benign prostate enlargement.  


Endocrine System  

Vitex regulates the hormones and is beneficial for preventing hormonal acne. 

Treats unwanted symptoms of menopause  


Antiandrogenic properties in the vitex berries may help prevent and treat male pattern baldness.  

Here’s where i source my vitex


Considered likely safe when taken by mouth.  

Seed extract (essential oil) is safe to use topically.   

Possibly unsafe for pregnancy and nursing, only use under the guidance of a trained physician or midwife.    


Drug interactions  

May decrease the effectiveness of birth control.  

May decrease the effectiveness of estrogen medications.  

Interacts with: Anti-psychotic drugs, Dopamine agonists (used for Parkinson's) and Reglan.  


May interfere with an in vitro fertilization. 


Discontinue or lower dose if extract causes nausea, diarrhea or abnormal changes in menstrual cycle. Consult a physician before using during pregnancy. 


Emilee Wright

A Mercurial Consciousness