
Botanical name: Filipendula ulmaria

Therapeutic actions

Antacid: helps to neutralize excess acid in the stomach and intestines


Anti-emetic: reduces the incidence and severity of vomiting

Anti-inflammatory: alleviate inflammation throughout the body

Anti-rheumatic: relieves inflammation and pain in the joints, muscles, and connective tissues

Antiseptic: destroys or controls pathogenic bacteria. Used topically.

Analgesic: relieves or diminishes pain.

Astringent: contracts, tightens and binds tissues.

Carminative: settles the digestive system and the expulsion of gas from the intestines.

Diaphoretic: promotes perspiration

Digestive: aids the digestion of food

Diuretic: increases the secretion and expulsion of urine

Febrifuge: reduce fever

Hepatic: stimulates and aids liver function

here’s where i source my meadowsweet


Emilee Wright

A Mercurial Consciousness