Mercurial Consciousness

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[This article contains information on medicinal herbalism, read our Medical Disclaimer here.]

Botanical name: Zingiber officinale  


Family Zingiberaceae 

Therapeutic actions  


Adaptogenic: aid in the body's ability to adapt to stress in all forms.    

Alterative: gradually restores proper functioning to the body's metabolism to bring about balance.  

Anti-inflammatory: alleviate inflammation throughout the body 

Anti-amoebic: treats infections caused by amoeba  


Antiseptic: destroys or controls pathogenic bacteria. Used topically  

Anti-emetic: reduces the incidence and severity of vomiting 

Anti-spasmodic: prevents and eases spasms and relieves cramps 

Anti-viral: destroy and inhibit the spread of viruses 

Immune modulating  

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Stomachic: digestive aid and tones the stomach  

Diaphoretic: promotes perspiration 

Digestive: aids the digestion of food   

Carminative: settles the digestive system and the expulsion of gas from the intestines   

Choleretic: aids the excretion of bile by the liver 

Cholagogue: increases the secretion and flow of bile  

Expectorant: expels mucus in the respiratory system   

Emmenagogue: stimulates, regulates, and normalizes menstruation  

Laxative: aids bowel evacuation  

Stimulant: stimulates the physiological functions of the body   

Tonic: strengthens and improves bodily performance  

Rubefacient: warming and increases blood flow  

Vasodilator: increase the internal diameter of blood vessels  

Here’s where i source my ginger

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